Tuesday, March 20, 2007

i snapped this polaroid in my back yard just before a thunderstorm

Thursday, March 1, 2007

this is my buddy josh. i live close to him. we like to laugh

in anticipation

3, 2, 1, nothin


cheeks anyone?

i think it was a two weekends ago that rafs family came to visit. we had a great time. my wif and i love to have guests and raf ,raven ,and lyric are some of our favorite. actually its just lyric. i love that kid he's so fun we do all sorts of fun crap, like shooting bows, bb guns, sling shots, fishing, and we always take him out to the local art opennings. it just happens that when they come over there is something going on here. well atleast for the last two times. so this is my new family portrait stlye. i think this new style will take off with people. imagine this one haning over your fire place. it seems way cooler that those stiff jobbies.